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Thursday, October 20, 2011

And a big fat see ya

Always trust your gut.  It never lies. The bad news?  I just finished several hours of ironing.  The good news?  My radar was on target where Senora Maria was concerned, and since she did this exact same thing to my sister-in-law--just quit coming-- as much as I'll miss her, see ya don't wanna be ya.  If you can't big girl up and just say you are quitting, grow up and get a pair.  And take the spray starch with ya.

OK...I'm glad I got that off my chest.  Tomorrow is another day and I'm already on the hunt for a new ironing lady, and yes, Julie, there are some out there.  (Julie, a follower, didn't realize there was such a thing and frankly, it was news to me that some ladies will just iron for you, if you tell them that's all you want, but some will.)   And some really prefer ironing.  Go figure.

If you don't want everything you own tortured by the cleaners, find an ironing lady.  At around $10 an hour, it's the best money you can spend, assuming you get someone who irons well and knows not to put starch on stuff that's dry cleaned.  Beyond that, it's all good.  I plan to ask Friday Maria tomorrow if she knows of anyone who might be interested, too.  You can never have too many contacts.  With any luck, I'll be hanging up the iron any day now.  Anybody with potential contacts, would you ask them for me, and let me know what you find??  Thanks!

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