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Monday, March 19, 2012

Allergies: Got any?

Not sure what's going on outside but the black birds are all squawking and it sounds like a remake of the movie The Birds.  I'm not a huge bird fan-- except cooked ones on my plate-- so I'm not going to go find out what all the hub-bub is about.  I don't think it's the hawk, either, because he's usually an alley kind of guy and this is in the front yard. Nope.  Not gonna do it.

Now on to my real topic:  Allergies.  Got any??  If you don't, bless your heart and if you do, my condolences.  There is so much crud in the air right now that we are almost nearing the record set over a 40-50 year span that they've been tracking air quality.  For details, see Fred, since he's not only tracking all of this but is about to go under due to his own allergies.  Saturday, we made a quick run up to the farm to meet a roofer only Fred couldn't drive.  It seems he (finally) decided to take an antihistamine for his allergies and didn't take the no drowsiness formula.  Oh, was lovely.  He was goofy as a run over dog and kept nodding off.  I even had to remind him to eat.  YOU NEVER HAVE TO REMIND A HARRIS TO EAT.  EVER.  My allergies make me feel exhausted.  Draggy.  Flat pooped out.  Limp as old underwear.  Hope yours don't.  It's no fun.

Sis went along with us and had a wonderful time.  She loved Cowboy's John's steers in the corral that he and his buddies use to practice roping, though, I must admit they were not real keen on her.  I am diagnosing a case of frienenmies here.  In fact, one brown one wanted to chase and kick her, but she was smarter than to get that close.  We basically just let her run where ever she wants to go, and run she does.  At one point she was almost w-a-y back in the woods, before I yelled for her to come.  No wonder she comes home exhausted.  She has so much work to do and so much ground to cover, she has to run almost non-stop.

While Fred met with the roofer--he was awake by then--I fertilized everything I could find.  I'd loaded rose fertilizer and turf stuff from home, so on it went.  The bad news??  It was just windy enough for me to get covered in a fine layer of grit. Grrrross.  The good news??  I got the whole yard done and while, yes, it does feed the weeds as well, we are way past weed and feed.  Fred can take the nuclear weed killer stuff next time we go and spot treat.  Me??  I'll go take an antihistamine.  :)

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