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Friday, June 11, 2010


Yesterday morning I had the delightful opportunity to attend none other than Miss Hadley's swim lesson. It lasts ten minutes because that's about how long a two year old can swim, especially around 10:30 AM in the morning. Her teacher is very calm and serene and that certainly helps. The teacher requires all of the diaper wearing clientele to wear a special diaper so her pool is protected, and the method she uses was developed by a doctor. It involves teaching the little people to float on their backs to breathe. Then they swim. Then they roll to their back to breathe. This is not meant to replace learning the strokes--this is to keep them alive if they fall into a pool or sneak into one.
This is week two of a four week class and she is already floating really well (see pic) and swimming to the steps. Part of the time she fusses and other times she comes up, smiles, and says "Good job, Hadley!". And sometimes she says it and even claps for herself. Clearly, no low self esteem issues here.

Older brother, Hudson, has already finished his month of lessons and at four, can swim all the way across the pool. The last day, the teacher has them come fully clothed, jump in, and swim across the pool. This again is part of the education process to give them the experience of what it would feel like to fall in to a pool fully clothed, and have to save yourself. I missed his lesson but hope to see him swim later.

I don't know what it is about these three children (Hud, Had and baby Avery) that just gets my motor running....after I'm around them it's like I've had shot of "love espresso". The rest of my day is just funnier, more fun, and loose. Kids are just THE BEST!

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