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Monday, August 2, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

How do you know it's the dog days of summer other than the fact it's three hundred degrees outside?  I'll tell can't think of a single thing worth discussing.  Not Chelsea's dress, not Lindsay's jail exit for rehab, zero.  And you'd talk about anything to keep from having to go clean out your refrigerator.  And I do mean anything.  It's not the fridge itself that's's that vegetable drawer that really gets me.  You just never know what's grown fur, gotten squishy, or turned a color not intended in nature, since the last time you opened that drawer.  And, yes, I do open it fairly frequently it's just that bad things happen overnight, in the dark, in there.  Zucchini does some really weird morphing and lettuce??  Noooooo.  That's just wrong.

I think I'm going to wait until my best pal, Senora Maria, comes this afternoon so we can gab while she irons and I can do the dirty deed then.  Distraction is good when you have to do something icky.  And there's safety in numbers.  Yep....that's the plan.

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