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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Random Musings

1.  My scale from Hell continues to weigh 4-5 pounds heavy the first time you get on so, Fred and I weigh three times, and take the last number, figuring it's the average.  Or, I take the number I like best.  I figure if I have to weigh three times, I get to pick.

2.  Sunday night, the big rabbit mystery was solved.  I knew he lived over on the next block, but wasn't sure what house.  It was almost dark as I was finishing my walk with my Ipod wailing, when I looked in the yard of the third house from the corner, and there he was....all stretched out, front legs and back, just like Sister does.  He almost let me pet him and then hopped two half hearted hops was almost dark and I was a stranger, after all.  He/she is so cool, my new mission is going to be making friends with him/her.

3.  Someone around here got under my covers again this morning was cold and she just needed to.  The bad news?  She now knows if she jumps up on the ottoman by our bed, I will hop out briefly, grab her, and tuck her under the covers with me.  I didn't tell her this--she just knows.

4.  Lastly, as a horse crazed grade schooler, I used to take English riding lessons and jumping.  I also rode in cross country jumping events.  They were my most favorite.  I'm wondering if Cowboy John, Fred's brother, would loan me a cow to try this??    

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