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Friday, May 4, 2012

Splain' it to me, please

This morning I ran by to see mom and hopefully run into her Hospice caregiver so I could meet her.  Nope.  She was l-o-n-g gone.  Mom was already bathed and spit shiny clean,dressed, and watching The View.  Since two of the cast of the Avengers were some of today's guests, they showed a clip from the movie.  Snore. 
 All mom could tell me was "bad" and "mean" and the rest was a little too out there for me to grasp.  What I think she was trying to tell me was that this was just NOT her kind of movie with all the blow up pyrotechnics and fighting, and I am right there with ya, mom.  No way I'm wasting my money on that nonsense.
 I got her brush and fixed her hair for her and it looked right cute, that is until she grabbed the front of it.  I thinking it's involuntary and she doesn't realize she's doing it, so I resisted the urge to repair my hair creation.  Yep, I know when to fold 'um these daysI spritzed her with a small pouf of perfume and she was ready to roll down the hall, to whatever activity was on today's agenda.  I know not what.

Now, what I really want to talk about today is DIVORCE and specifically later in life.  It seems it's become epidemic these days and I'm wondering why.  It seems like most of the hard part of raising kids and shoving them out into the world is over, so shouldn't now be sort of the fun part?  Anticipating grand kids, empty nesting, and just generally having fun with travel and other projects seems like a heck of a deal, from all those childhood barf bugs, infernally hot, mandatory attendance baseball games, and every parent meeting under the sun.  What gives?  Did I miss something?

Are all of the about to be comb-over kings desperate to trade up, before it's too late??  Was 25-35 years just too much wedded bliss and if so, why didn't they bail before now?  I'm not getting it.  Maybe it's that now that the kids are finally gone, there's nothing left to distract you from or buffer the fact, that maybe you don't even like that person anymore. Or, maybe you never really did, and waited until the kids were all gone before dropping that marital hydrogen bomb.  I. don't.  know. 

Before I close, I will just say this:  I don't want another husband.  I like the one I have.  It's taken me this long to train him, and I'm not doing that again.  I'd rather get a puppy.