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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Phones--any kind of phones

I just got back from a run to the store for vitamins.  We seem to be sucking down quite a large amount of the cholesterol lowering ones these days so it was time to re-stock.  Anyway, as I'm standing there to pay, the store's phone rings and the man waiting on me excuses himself to go answer it, and proceeds to help the person on the phone until another gal and I, wave his plane to another gate.  We both lit into him as if we were a tag team from way back when, and we took a total scorched earth approach to our rant. We even took turns telling him what poor customer service it is to take a phone call, when we have actually driven over to the store and are standing there trying to give him actual money, while the person on the phone just wants information.  We whupped up on him so bad, that the other clerk guys were laughing....sort of.  It was clear at any moment we might turn on them, so they were a tad more careful.
  And then he tried to save himself by throwing the "customers on their cell phones when he's ringing them up", card.  Ohhhhhhhh, no, you didn' did not try to save your bacon by playing that card.  We both looked at him and in unison said "I agree"--- and then asked him if he saw us holding our cell phones.  He admitted he didn't, and we thrashed him some more because we could, and because by now...

On the way home and for the sheer hell of it, I counted the number of people I saw either talking on phones, reading, texting, or fiddling and it was almost every car.  As handy as they are, we have become a society of mannerless boobs who must have our cell play toy at all times or we get gritchy.  Have you seen the couples and families out to dinner where no one is talking-- and they are all playing with their phones?  Are they texting each other instead of talking??  I doubt it.  And the ultimate weirdness is, they don't see a thing wrong with it.  Forgot your phone??  So'll need to sit quietly and not bother us since we're busy playing with ours.  Seriously, this is epidemic and not something our kids even understand is inappropriate and bad manners. 

Oh, yeah....manners are what now?


  1. Going all Kathy Bates on the clerk ("I'm older and I've got more insurance" Fried Green Tomatoes)is, as Martha S would say, "a good thing!"

  2. And the best part was, he looked to be about my age, and it definitley was "a good thing"--for me anyway!
