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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shrek Harris

I need to get my normal back.  It's time.  Enough of this holiday stuff.  And no more food.  At least for awhile.  This afternoon, I was treated to Benji and Fred doing a cardio and yoga work out via Fred's laptop that Benji does in Nash, and of course, Fred had to join him.  It was without a doubt the most hilarious thing I've ever seen and oh, yeah....I snapped pictures.  Now, if I can just figure out how to get them in the right place--I'm working with a new camera--and I sure can't ask Fred for help.  Oh, noooooso.  Hopefully,  I can load one or two here later.
At first the grunting and groaning worried me a little--especially the pose changes between plank and warrior, to downward dog.   And then they started the "pass and shoot" part of the work out, and it sounded like a herd of elephants were in the den.  How the guy narrates the whole thing in his Brittany Spears headset while he's demo-ing the moves, is beyond me.  It goes on for 45 minutes and he never even sounds winded.  Get real.  I'd need an ambulance after ten minutes.  OK......five.

Below is a shot Fred took of Brian, and decided he looked like Shrek. OMG.  He does.

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