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Friday, March 25, 2011


Change.  And I'm talking about change that wasn't your idea or of your making.  I'm talking the kind that comes out of left field, and makes a direct hit--on you.  Are you a hater or a liker?  Do you immediately stomp on your "emotional brakes" and plant your feet so firmly you end up dirt skiing, to avoid it...or...are you one of those people who likes change...likes it so much you have to move every three months?

Some people don't realize that what's under all that negative "change discomfort" is just FEAR.  Fear of the unknown.  What's it going to be like and what if I don't like it?  What if I have to give up something I have or I don't get what I want, or think I'm "entitled to"? Will I be OK?  What if I'm not?  What then?  What if I have to do it anyway, and find out?

And those "changers" who like change so much, they move every three months.  Is it possible they are FEAR-ful of putting down any roots or connecting on such a level, that they could no longer just pack up, cut and run?  Are they unable to just "be" for longer than three months....are they possibly running from something, rather than to something?  If I hang around, will I have to feel feelings, even if they are good ones?  And what if they aren't.....what will happen to me then?  If I stay, I'll have to find out.

What's interesting to me is that we all end up at the same place-- whether we dislike change or like it.  Change is inevitable and we all end up having "to find out" what happens eventually, whether we're a liker or a hater. Weird how that works.

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