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Monday, March 7, 2011

Sacred Cows

Sacred cows.  Got any?  And by that I mean, anything you consider impossible to give up, change your attitude about, see differently, or chuck overboard.  And I'm talking deeply buried stuff.  People who have hurt you that you refuse to forgive.  Beliefs you hold that you refuse to consider seeing in a different light.  Behavior choices you feel not only entitled to but are unwilling to change/eliminate, because you've reached that "certain age" and feel you've earned the right, even though you haven't and never will, because it's not a  right.  You just tell yourself you've earned it, so you can do whatever you want to do, since after all, it's really about about you anyway, isn't it?  Examples: telling your children or grandchildren how to live their lives because that's what you think is best for them, never mind the fact they didn't ask for your opinion, and couldn't care less what you think.  Or, what about other people's religious or political beliefs that don't jive with yours, which just means of course, that whatever they believe is wrong, and if they would just believe the way you do, they'd be OK.  What if you gave them the same courtesy they extend to you, where your beliefs are concerned?  Any of this ringing any bells?

And what about addictions we all know we have, because we all do, and if you don't think you do, look deeper, because you're fooling yourself: ones like food, gambling, booze, tobacco, drugs, other people's business, sneaking, lying, manipulating, managing, hover-mothering, hover-fathering, fixing others, rescuing others, cheating, justifying your behavior, etc., that you swear you really aren't doing, but down deep, if you do an little excavating, you find out you know you really are.  And then you have to keep it buried and feel guilty about it, because that's how you keep yourself stuck.  Are you willing to do anything different...even though it's often scary, requires willingness and effort, and doesn't feel comfortable at all, in the beginning?

Just wondered....

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