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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have more great news and it was delivered at almost dinnertime yesterday.  We finally received our response from the Appeals Court yesterday concerning a family lawsuit around our family company, and while we didn't get q-u-i-t-e everything we asked for, we got really close--close enough that I hope the other sides counsel and their client, were all wearing Depends.  I never thought we'd get everything --that almost never happens, but I'll sure take this.  The decision is a fifty page spankin' for screwed up judicial moves by our judge--and his first official trip to the wood shed by the Appeals Court--so that alone makes it worth the 2 1/2 year wait for the results.

The saddest part about this whole deal is, the person who sued us will now have actually less money than she would have, had she not sued us.  By the time she pays all of her attorney fees, since she was paying them on a contingency basis (30-35% of the total--maybe more), for TWO separate lawsuits, she's not gonna have squat, when all is said and done.  And she is already broke due to her own mismanagement of her funds--business and personal.  One of the lawsuits was just for hassle and to try to scare see if we'd cave, and we won that one flat out.  And her attorneys have done everything possible to kill off our company, while we awaited the decision from the Appeals Court.  Yes, they can still take this to the Texas Supreme Court but they probably won't.  By now her attorney's just want to get paid, and move on.  Oh, man....what a waste of time, money, and energy.  Greed is just such a corrosive and damaging emotion.  It never gets you anything positive and usually ends up biting you in the tush. 

Looking back, maybe that's the lesson here.  Be grateful for what you have, everyday.  More of everything is NEVER the answer and the pursuit of more will never leave you happy or satisfied--you'll always want MORE.

On a funny note, Sister is snoring like a chain saw, in her bed right below me. She's all snuggled under Wigman's old favorite red fleece blanket, with her ears flipped back and piled on top of her head.   Oh, Lordy....

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