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Saturday, February 13, 2010

BC.....? (before computers)

What in the world did we do before computers? How did we possibly manage our lives, communicate, and have ANY FUN WHATSOEVER? And worms or viruses had a totally different meaning way back know, before fire when we dragged our knuckles on the ground and clubbed each other. Wait....we still do that.....the clubbing part.
Wonder what the next big "thing" will be that changes the world, like computers have. I guess we could call Bill Gates and ask him. After all, since he's 1-1, he's probably either inventing it or knows who is.

Sometimes I think about how plugged in we are vs just a few decades back. Satellites....and drones to fight wars with a joy stick, half a world away. Sure does change my concept of "going to the office" when those guys zip into their jumpsuits and "go to work". In a lot of ways, I like it a lot better, but would really like to see zero need for their skills.

With all of this technology, it sure seems to me we could fix air traffic control and health care . Now, don't knee jerk right into the money aspect--we have it. We just need to talk Bill and Warren out of theirs, to fix this stuff. Then all the drug companies would have to fork over all their dough, as well as all the Wall Street boys with their big fat bonuses, and Banks and Credit Card companies---- that should just about do it. At least for a while anyway. Over simplistic--maybe. But just think about it. The old Robin Hood concept (not the school one--the other one--in the tights).

Then we clean out Congress and replace it with smart, solution oriented moms--you heard me--MOMs. The no BS kind. If they can deal with kids, they could whip this damn country in shape with half their brain tied behind them and be done by lunch. Get all the zipper weasels out-- and put in women. Case closed.

BUT NOT SARAH PALIN. She's really a man anyway. You heard it here first.

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