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Thursday, February 25, 2010

One o' dem days.... has really been one. If my hair wasn't already short, I swear I think I'd have pulled a Brittany Spears by now and shaved my head. No matter what, today was just not working. It was a hurry up and wait--everywhere I turned. An hour wait at the doctor's office-- then a test film was not sent--that I had to go get, and w-a-i-t-- while they got it--at another hospital. And then I dropped it back by the surgeon's office. Next, I waited another 30 minutes trying to get a car title changed, requiring a call to Austin, and me sitting aimlessly waiting while the mess was sorted out. This was my third try on the car title and I finally got it done. And the rent a Yacht? Yep, waited there all three times, too, but at least got something smaller.
The reality for me? Sometimes life is just not going to flow my way-- no matter what--- so I might as well laugh and roll with it. In the past, by now, I'd have thrown a rod and somebody would be bleeding or dismembered. I mean it. Blood and guts.
Today I know not to get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT) and if I do, I need to stop what I'm doing right then-- and take care of myself. It sounds like such a no brainer. It isn't. You'd be surprised to see what happens when you actually do this. YOU DON'T ACT OUT. Stuff that previously made you murderous, now makes you laugh or when you wake up from a much needed nap, no longer even bugs you. I'm telling you, it works. And don't give me all that malarkey about "well...I'm at work". It works there, too. I've done it. Close your office door & chill for fifteen minutes. Go eat lunch. Go sit outside. Walk to your car and pretend you are running away--that's my all time favorite.

Which also brings me to telling people "No". No one knows better than you do, how to take care of you. What you think, how you feel, what you like and what you don't. Other people may think they know what's best for you but they don't. They aren't you. They only know what's best for them. DO NOT be hood winked by these crafty people. Take care of yourself and if you do not feel like doing something, just say no. Don't do it to please someone else. You'll just end up mad and resentful. "No" is a lot easier to say and it's a complete sentence. And don't cave if you have to say it more than once. Just grab your keys and keep walking. Works every time.

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