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Friday, February 19, 2010

My Soup can

I think it's official--at least it looks that way in my front yard. Spring is on the way. I have a gabillion red robins in the front yard eating berries, I've already had a bunny sighting across the street, and the yards are all greening up, so all is good in the world. The bunny is sort of white--I guess as white as you can be if you live outside--and has charcoal markings on his ears, face and tail. He lives a block over but loves to escape and come on over where the fun people live. I think the c'mon factor is all the decorative cabbage and kale one neighbor has in his yard. That bunny must think he's hit a big old free salad bar. The only part I dislike about hosting the birds berry-a-thon is the after effects. Man, do they make a mess.

I picked up my rent car Wednesday and it is hilarious. They apologized for not having a full size car--they had an unexpected rental right before I got there so I got to go to another location to pick up the car. They told me they would bring me another one if I wanted to swap it out. Let's just say my car is small and RED--and sounds like it has a sewing machine under the hood. It has 4 tires, a steering wheel, and smells like a cheap hotel room--clean-- but just with that weird fake smell. Sort of like a permanent air freshener that you eventually get used to. I love my little soup can. It does exactly what I need it to do--it drives. Case closed. I'm happy. No word yet on when my car will be ready. No worries.

And now for Tiger...I can hardly wait. My money is on Elin not showing up. Let him dig his own way out. I personally hope she walks and takes him to the cleaners on her way out. You go, girl.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're happy with your minimobile, but if they offered a larger car, and to BRING IT TO YOU, please say 'Yes, thank you, and how soon can you get here?' Bigger IS safer! A
