Blog Patrol Counter

Saturday, June 25, 2011


As an addendum to my earlier post on same sex marriage, I ran to the Burger House for lunch, and my usual grilled chicken salad & diet Coke, sitting inside at the counter.  Fred's usually with me and he's a ditto on lunch the lunch menu but today, he was busy.  As a result, I sat next to two guys at the counter, whom I later noticed were wearing matching wedding bands, and, no, I didn't say anything.  We got to gabbing and laughing about this and that, and later, they revealed that today was their Anniversary, and they were celebrating all day long.  I told them "How wonderful!  Congratulations!" and you could tell they knew I meant it, because their eyes got all sparkly.  Now, you tell me.....coincidence??  I don't think so. 

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