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Sunday, October 4, 2009


Remember those little one liners your mom or grandmother used to say all the time when you were little, that either you didn't understand or made you want to grind your teeth?  And how is it that now that you do uderstand them, they're all true??  Whaaaat??  How'd that happen?

Remember "what goes around, comes around"?  I didn't truly get that one until I hit my thirties, I'm embarrassed to admit.  All that going around stuff really threw me.  One of my favorites was "do as I say, not as I do" since I could apply that one daily in my family of origion.  That one I really got.

 But what the heck does "pretty is as pretty does" mean??  I remember Forrest Gump saying that in the movie and it sounded just as dumb then as it does now.  But others, as I've grown older, have taken on a much more significant role in my life.  They've kept me out of trouble, helped me resist doing something just for a moment's satisfaction, and helped adjust my growing, ever changing perspective.  Where some things used to be just a rigid black and white, today the spectrum of gray is simply enormous.  The more I know, the less I know these days and it makes life infinitely more interesting and rewarding.  Allowing my mind to be open has brought countless individuals into my life that ordinarily I might never have gotten to know--I would have just blown right past them and missed their pearls of wisdom.  OK...that's another one....pearls of wisdom??  "Pearls of wisdom" always sounded like some sort of hokey nonsense your grandmother would say, only now that I'm that age, it makes perfect sense.  I guess that's the beauty of growing older--as long as you continue to grow.  Somethings that never made sense, suddenly do.

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