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Monday, October 5, 2009

Random thoughts this morning

On the Today Show this morning, they showed a clip from Saturday's SNL skit with Lady Gaga and Madonna, in super skimpy bustiers.  Al Roker cracked up the rest of the show regulars with his quip "that it was just so sad that Madonna had really let herself go".  She did have better biceps than a lot of men I know, and less fat than a rice cake.  Al had me rolling until I remembered what Guy Richie had said about the big "M", during their divorce.  He said Madonna worked out so much, that in bed, she was like sleeping with gristle.
OK....Madonna may have millions and a rockin' bod at 50+ years of age, but I can promise you one thing: no one will ever say sleeping with ME is like sleeping with gristle.  Bags of marshmallows?  Oh, yeah.  A big fluffy duvet?  You betcha.  But gristle??  No way.  And it makes me scream out laughing just to think about it.  Now, I realize I probably should aspire to a more gristley body according to Vogue, but it just gets in the way of everything fun.  And I'm sorry, but I have never found skinny to be fun.  The one whole time I was--it was really more just an altered state, for me.  And one of constant hunger  And no chocolate.  Fagedaboudit.

My other random thought this morning had to do with wood and people who burn it.  Are you a gas or wood person?  Do you get excited at the thought of the wood man calling to see how much wood you need this year?  Are you already anticipating the first fire of the Fall?  Will it be a half or a whole cord this year or if you are a total "pyro", like my sister, do you need three cords??
  Or , God forbid, are you one of those people who's gone over to the dark side, and put in fake logs??  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What possible fun or ambiance is there in flipping a switch to turn on your fire...where is the smell of wood, the pop of the logs, the crackle, the scent of smoke in the air??  And don't go all Eco friendly on me...God created fire and he meant for us to burn wood.  I know because He and I've talked about it and it's why we have forest fires.  He told me.  I just don't get this burning "gas" thing....and fake logs???  That's just wrong.  Convenient, but w-r-o-n-g.

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