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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sure makes me wonder...

Sometimes it's the little stuff that trips me up, takes me totally by surprise and makes me just shake my head.  Such is what happened last night after Bruce and I helped Brian shower.  I was rubbing Vitamin E into one of his suture lines-the one on his right arm--only to realize there were still sutures in his arm!   The sutures were supposedly removed over a month ago, and since they kept slapping another cast on his arm, I never got a really good look at his suture line, and clearly no one else thought to look.  But the best part is, we were just at the Clinic on Monday and were seen by an Ortho Resident, who didn't notice them either, after examining Brian's arm. 
  I removed several of Brian's sutures myself--the ones that weren't almost totally grown in--but puuuuulease!  I guess I can be grateful that I've seen Brian's xrays and there are no clamps or "extras" left behind, beyond the titanium rods, screws, and bolts that are supposed to be there. Is it just me or does it make you really wonder what else they've left in other people???
We'll get the two remaining sutures out on Monday and though Brian would not have died from retained sutures, it was just a real eye roller and hassle getting their removal set up this morning.  Sure makes you wonder, doesn't it???

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