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Monday, September 5, 2011

Ohhhhh, Hadley Bear!!!

Wow...what a weekend.  I got a text Saturday night that Hadley-Bear had possibly broken her arm, falling off the swing set.  Later, I got one from her mom saying it was definitely broken.  OK.....that's now a leg and an arm, and she's not even 4.  Poor little gal...... but she's tough as nails, so she'll do fine. 

The Farm was hot and dry as a dust bowl but the yard was still green due to the sprinklers.  The tanks were both down 4-5 feet and the horse trough looked like a science experiment--all green and goopy.  Apparently, field mice like cool air, since they've been back in the house and left "calling cards", if you know what I mean.  Sooo ick.  Sweeping up mouse poop is not on my list of favorite jobs but it did motivate us to head for Home Depot for a list of things, one of which was industrial strength mouse killer.  Mouse poop just brings out a murderous rage in me.  Fred baited all of the closed system traps so we don't kill any one's dogs in the process, so now we just wait.  Sis did find a petrified mouse in the back of a closet and left it for me, in the middle of the master bedroom floor.  Fred picked it up by the tail and it was stiff as a board.  Gag me.

Brian came up Saturday evening in Big Red and dove hunted with Fred Sunday morning.  As usual, the birds seem to fly better in the afternoon and evening than they do in the morning, where we are.  Brian is having to teach himself to shoot using his left eye, since the retinal damage to his right eye, post crash, makes it too hard to see properly to shoot like he's used to shooting.  He still got some birds, so with practice, I'm sure Old Dead Eye will accommodate just fine to shooting with his left eye.  Shoot (a little pun)...he already has.  Here are a few they got Sunday morning.

My plan is to make Ms. Hadley One Arm some cookies and take them by today.  I had hoped to do it yesterday but we ended up staying at the Farm later than planned.  You know how that goes....

Prayers for all those people impacted by the fires in Austin and everywhere else, and thank heaven for the cool air this morning!!!

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