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Monday, September 19, 2011

Packing--Part 1

Packing.  That's my topic du jour today even though it's kind of bland.  Now, I don't know about you but there appears to be a fine art to packing and I just never got that lesson.  It has to do with spatial design so it's no wonder I don't excel there.  I used to pack where everything ended up coming to a point, in the center of my bag, and then I'd fill in around it.  I didn't do it intentionally--that's just how it ended up.  Trying to zip your bag around one of those behemoths is a back and zipper breaker.

Then I moved on the the space saving plastic bags that you squeeze the air out of and while they're OK, I think I like the Eagle Creek packing stuff at the Container Store better.  Man...the medium sized pants and shirt holder comes with one of those wonderfully nerdy plastic sheets to help you fold perfectly, and has pictures and directions on it, if you need them, but if you need them, you probably need to seek professional help also.  Folding is just not that tough.  Once you are finished folding, you can shoot the plastic sheet back in between the clothes, for support.  Velcro that baby shut, and you are set.  I picked mine up by the handle and shook it at Fred, just to be pesky, and nothing moved.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yesterday, we had the "pack off" to see who's was the most organized and I nailed it.  No brag, just fact-- and he was whining about  how he "didn't have all the cool packing stuff that I did".  Well, duh...I tried to get him to buy some earlier this summer when they had it all on sale, but oh, no...he couldn't possibly plan that far ahead.  I volunteered to go with him, twice, to pick some out, but he just couldn't be bothered, so you just get what you get.  I refuse to be a packing enabler. :)

My problem is, I always pack way more clothes than I need and I think it's just one of those girl things.  It's like I try to take everything in my closet, and fit it into my bag.  What if I wake up one morning and don't feel like wearing those pants or that shirt??   Or both of them together?  What then??  It's just better to have a back up plan, IMO, as long as you can still roll your own bag.  If not, unpack and throw out some clothes, shoes, etc.  You have time, remember?  You planned ahead.

The fact that he is already packed (except for his suit) is nothing short of a miracle, because he usually tries to pack the night before we leave, and then has a meltdown when nothing is clean, fits, or is ready to go.  In other words, he is a MALE.  He's going to be so chill by Tuesday night, unlike how he usually is, he may just come over to the dark side of packing, with me.  We can only hope....but don't put any $$$ on it.

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