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Monday, May 16, 2011

Decaf coffee and my server ? NOT.

My allergist has wanted me to switch over to decaf so that my sinus don't essentially expand and contract a lot.  OK, fine.  I get that.  But decaf in the morning is just NOT doing the job for me.  I've already had two cups and I'm as mellow and sleepy as when I first woke up.  And, truth be told....I even cheated and made it more like half-caff.  Between a very low carb intake and decaf coffee, I could just crawl back in bed for the duration and what I really need to do is get my gear on and go burn some calories.  I figure at this rate, my knuckles will be dragging on the ground by lunchtime.  Oh, well.  The crap we give up just to be healthy is astounding to me, and renders me one very dull and sleepy gal.

I realized last night after I'd hit "post", I'd forgotten to include a picture of the wild flowers at the Farm and it just so happens I have one with the newbie horse I'd been talking about--the same one who is currently being ostracized by the other three mean guys.  So, I'll include him here and you'll see why he doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting.  Even horses can be turds sometimes.  Well, crap.  And add my server to that list.  It won't allow me to post my horse and wild flower picture.  No carbs, no caffeine, no horse and flowers pic?  Really??  No wonder people go crazy.

I went by yesterday to see mom and as my sister and I were leaving, I told her "mom's lost more ground since last week" and my sister said "how can you tell?" and I told her, "I just can...she looks more blank to me and is talking less".  Then my sister said "well, she's been to church and out to lunch so maybe she's just over-stimmed and tired".  She left to go get mom some things she needed (I've handed her off my job, to take a little break ).  About thirty minutes later my sister called me and said "you're right about mom."  When I went back to take her the stuff she needed, I told her you'd be back mid week to check in with her, and mom told me "well...Caroline was here earlier this morning"....    I'd... just... left.  Whoa. 

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