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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


After a long and busy day yesterday, last night I decided to lie down on the floor and stretch out my back, since it was hurting after exercising and just generally being o-l-d.  I don't usually lie down on the floor while watching TV but this time I did.  I no sooner got horizontal, than a fat black seal slithered over and laid her entire upper body across my face, so I could love on HER.  Seriously, Sis....I'm in pain here and it's all about you??  But then I got to laughing thinking when isn't it all about her??  That would be never.  And the more I loved on her, the harder I laughed.  Then when she got tired of that, she laid down on her back, right beside me, ears flopped back, snoot in the air, mimicking me.  I rolled over on my side.....she rolled over on her side.  She's a big spooner.  I don't know if it was the back stretches or Sister, but suddenly my back felt lots better.

She's back in her bed underneath the computer desk this morning since it's still a wee bit chilly and she hates to be cold.  This is her usual spot for this time of the morning and she is sawing logs, snoring.  Yesterday morning she was yipping in her sleep...perhaps she was dreaming she caught Bin Laden, being a seal and all.  Never mind the training.  Nah...she'd hate the military.  She doesn't follow orders.  Ever.

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