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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let Go or be Dragged

Someone around here is on the warpath over something he has no control over, and that is, another person.  He's furious that the carpenter he hired to replace the screens on the screened in porch at the Farm, isn't finished, never mind the carpenter was given a deadline.  The guy has just spread himself too thin and not gotten our job done.  The nerve of him.  Fred has texted, called, and almost stalked the guy (yesterday), when I finally talked some sense into him.  He's done all he can do, so he's got to let it go.  It will get done--just not on his time frame. Tough lesson and so hard to do when you want what you want.  I call it Let Go or Be D-r-a-g-g-e-d.

It's hilarious that it's me giving the "Degree of Perfection" speech, with a chaser of "Let It Go".  We seem to alternate roles around here--that of speech giver and that of audience member.  Fred's just worked his fanny off and is frustrated that this guy is such a slow poke.  The guy does good work, but this whole screen thing has been yet another case of something being put in incorrectly.  From what the carpenter's said, I have to admit they are flimsy at best, given how the screen was applied.  After almost 20 years of replacing them, as kids punched them out with balls, or hands, we're trying to do something that might be a bit heartier and easier to repair, when they do get torn.  Yes, asking kids not to kick a ball or others to be careful would be nice, but this house gets a lot of use and abuse so we definitely need something else done, IMO.

Wow, is it ever dry and windy up there and the fields are already brown, which is sad so early in the summer.  Just a few short weeks ago everything was gorgeous green, fresh and beautiful.  With no rain recently, and dry wind, the fields already look like a tinderbox.  Even with the sprinklers, the yard is a little brown, too, and that's with a good deep watering twice a week.  Welcome to Texas, folks.  It just is what it is. 

Here's what we found on the way to dinner last night.  Watching Fred run after it made me howl and it was the creepiest looking turtle I've ever seen.  We googled it and found out it was a bottle nose turtle, which explained his upside down dinner plate looking shell, and weird nose.   I'm still trying to decide which was funnier: that turtle waddling, running full tilt boogie, or Fred trying to scoot him like a soccer ball so the turtle couldn't leap into the creek, before Fred could catch him.  Cheaaaaap entertainment.  :)


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