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Sunday, December 6, 2009


This morning I was in the kitchen watching my favorite Sunday morning show, CBS News Sunday Morning. I have to give credit where credit is due--Bruce did turn me on to this show --and I especially love the quiet nature shot at the end. Anyway, this morning they had a story on High School Glee clubs and they showed one particular group on TV, that was the "Stage club" or something like that. All that means is that they are supposed to be able sing and dance. And that's where I lost it...the guys were soooo freaking uncoordinated and goofy looking trying to m-o-v-e to the music, and sing, that it was just painful to watch. And these were the best that high school had to offer. And their facial expressions were so weird--they didn't match the movement or the song. A stroke maybe, but not a dance.
What is it about most guys that they just can't sing and move at the same time, without looking like the Tin Man?

I remember several trips to OU for We Sing where the fraternities and sororities were matched up, and had to write and perform a musical skit. Bruce and I would about choke to death trying to smother our laughter. You never knew whose parents you might be sitting next to so we tried to behave, but a few of those those big crowd dance numbers where the whole cast has to do a choreographed dance?? Nuh, huh....I was laughing into my purse as I struggled for breath.

And what about gift wrapping.....have you seen what guys can do to a simple box? Three rolls of tape later, and a horrendous gimped up "sorta" bow, and I am rolling on the floor howling. And they always say the same thing..." doesn't look that bad..." to which I scream out laughing, again. And so do they. It's almost become a contest at our house to see what they can do although sadly, they have lately taken the typical guy shortcut of gift cards and just put them on the tree. fair...we wanna see the wrap job. What's still my most favorite is the last minute, no box, watchagonna do "wrap". That's when almost all the paper is gone and there's not much ribbon left, either. I wish I had video footage of some of the stuff my guys have done. I could easily win America's Funniest Video.

Maybe this needs to be a new category in the Winter Olympics. We'd have to test for performance enhancing substances, though, so you know what that means--no duct tape.

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