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Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Thank you, Tiger, for manning up and admitting you screwed up royally. Now...let's move on. I frankly know more than I ever wanted or needed to about the Wood's personal life. Best of luck, dude...your going to need it.

Here's my question: Are you a great gift giver? Because I'm not. I love to give gifts--I'm just not that original or clever. Some people are truly black belt gifters. They remember everything you've ever said you liked and gift you with it later. Or, they know what you enjoy and then some how pull it together in a cool gift. And it's always something you'd love to have but would just never buy for yourself.

I think the real deal here is, I don't really like to shop. I know that's woman is ever supposed to utter those words, but it's the truth. Unless it for cars, I'm not really all that interested. And not just any cars--good cars. If it's just some sorry old Pinto, count me out. There's just something about cars that really revs my engine. And flowers. Oh, yeah...another biggie. And jewelry. GOOD jewelry. Common denominator here? Expense. Ooops.
Everybody whose surprised, raise your hand.

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