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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blue Lake Green beans sans can!

I just trudged up to the garden to water and this is what I harvested. There are more that need just a few more days to be the right size and we'll be having them for dinner. This may be about the only thing we ever get to eat so I'm hoping they hurry up. The tomatoes still look good--they just seem to be s-l-o-w growing. Ditto the squash.

Last trip up there I gathered some dried poppy flower heads to harvest the seeds. Since I was in a hurry with no container to put the seed heads in, I just tossed them in my purse for the ride home which would have probably been OK, if I'd remembered they were in there. Several days later I reached down to a handful of tee-tiny poppy seeds, all over the inside bottom of my purse. Awwww, hell....guess I needed to clean it out anyway and now I have them labeled in a zip lock (which I probably need to change to something paper, to avoid moisture.)

I'm not exactly sure when to broadcast the poppy seeds for later growth. I know they bloomed here in April and May so it looks like I may have another research project. I know when they die back they have an enormous root below ground but that's about all I know right now. Bruce says if I get really good at raising poppies, maybe I can start my own Black Tar heroin business.
Funny guy.

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