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Friday, April 1, 2011

Garden update

Even though I don't seem to have the gardening energy this year, lots of other folks do.  Jerry is one of the elder statesman gardeners and plants his tomatoes every year with a dead fish beneath each plant, just like the Indians taught the Pilgrims, only they probably weren't planting tomatoes back then.  I don't know....maybe they were.  He also cuts the bottom out of his plastic tomato plant container and sinks the plant deeper, with the plastic rim as further support, since his plants rocket right out of the ground, and are usually prolific producers.

This is the first year I've noticed the flags, so somebody's got their patriotic juices flowing.  There are two of the same size, and they look nice waving over the garden.  My most favorite plot is the guy I've featured here last.  He makes Jerry's plot look like a know nuthin'...he has about ten different things growing at once, all timed to ripen around the same time, give or take, and his garden isn't just prolific, it's BEAUTIFUL.  When it's all going full tilt, you can see what a garden is supposed to look like vs our patch, that looked like Libya must look now.  I am just amazed by gardeners and farmers.  Just putting something in the ground to grow is a lot more difficult that it looks, and it does help to have good soil.  Both of these guys replace their soil yearly.  Me??  Not a chance.  I've decided I'm a lousy farmer and I get mad when my stuff poops out.

  I noticed in the paper that Mr. Lemley is already down at the Farmers Market selling his hot house tomatoes, since it's too early for the real summer blockbuster ones.  They need the heat and sun to really produce, and we aren't quite there yet.  That's OK....I can wait.  I have a tomato gratin with fresh basil that I'm going to make, the second the tomatoes are in.  My basil is already planted outside and is doing the Jack and the bean stalk....I can hardly wait.  YUM.

Lastly, two nights ago there was a homicide at our house.  Sis murdered Mr. Bobo, again, and he may hit the trash this time vs having surgery this weekend.  A new Mr. Bobo would be such a nice challenge for Sis, but, then, old Mr. Bobo has such great memories attached to him, since he's been murdered multiple times.  Fred will have to make the call on that....after all, he's Mr. Bobo's surgeon.

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