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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mr. Activity

Now that the wedding is over, all of us "wedding watchers" have to deal with our emotional hangovers and wedding withdrawal.  Sounds like something must have happened post wedding, since the reported plan was for them to have a two week honeymoon right after the wedding, right?  We saw all those photos of Kate bikini shopping, so what gives?  Or is this just a another Royal tease?  Either way, fine.  Let's move on....I've finally hit wedding over load. No, I haven't....but let's get back to normal anyway.

Today is chore day around here and Mr. Activity is already hard at work.  Since we've upgraded a few pieces around here, first stop was to the resale place with a few tired, and I do mean tired, pieces.  Next, is my book and magazine holder that is full to the brim--those have to go to Half Price books.  Saturdays are always busy and you have to hang around until they give you their offer, but that's not all bad--I love to play around in there looking through all the cookbooks, novels, dog books, etc.  Bookstores and hardware stores do that to me....I could hang around in them all day, just buggering around.

Mr. Activity has decided to build Sis a window perch and she does need one, since she now thinks my chair in here is hers.  Our friends down the block are building an lovely new house, so he's gotten permission to use some of their scrap lumber for Sis's "window seat", and since we have some left over carpet in the garage, Sis may get a throne, as befits her royal status.  Could Fred buy one of these and save the time to do something else?  Of course.....but he loves having a project so I say go for it.  He built Wig and Sis the little ramps, inside and out, for their doggie door*, and and they work great.  *(Since our doggie door had to be slightly raised off the floor, ramps were needed for aging wiener pups comfort.)  Sis can now hit the ramp to her doggie door in the den, to the outside, doing about mach 1, and never miss a beat.  All you hear is her screeching squirrel bark and the clickety- clack of the doggie door swinging shut.  She never falls and she never misses.  In his last days, Wig was another story.  Not surprising since he was deaf, and half blind.....and usually I'd just go over and open the den door for him.  Hey......he was my man dog and he deserved special treatment. And believe me, he got it.  It's the very least I could do for such a sweet boy.

Time to head outside into the lovely humidity, again, for my walk.  Earlier, I walked Sis down the block to the construction site because she had to go see what Fred was doing....I'm serious....she was running through the house whining, because she just had to go with him, and he didn't want to take her.  Those's just always a power struggle with them.

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