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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weird Guy

Today is certainly shaping up to be an interesting day so far.  After repeated attempts to renew my nursing license online, I was finally able to ascertain that I have been randomly selected (sounds like a game show) to be ....finger printed.  Lawsie, mercy...could they not have just said that on my postcard, so I didn't have to call every where but the White House to find out why my renewal wouldn't go in?   So, tomorrow I will have the pleasure (?) of not only being fp'ed, but will also enter that enormous Big Brother data base run by the Fed.  I never quite thought of myself as a fp type person but I guess we all will be, sooner or later.

I just made a run to Fiesta for crema.  For some reason, I got a wild hair to make sour cream chicken enchiladas tonight but I needed the real deal crema, or it just wouldn't be right, so off I went.  On my way, I had a sighting of Weird Guy walking near the Tom Thumb close by us.  Now...we don't know much about weird guy other than 1) he is a strange cupcake  2) he's always walking--I'm talking all day, every day, and if the weather's bad, sometimes he heads for North Park  3) he is fond of his black trench coat but I don't think he flashes people.  I've seen him at NP with an older couple and they talk, but he never seems to say much back, so here's the story I've made up about him: Since he's middle aged with snow white hair, something awful and/or tragic happened in his youth, to turn him white headed, overnight.  He's mute, due to the same horrific event, and he must keep moving to allay his anxiety--hence all the walking.  The black trench coat is just a "security trench"--something to help him feel safe and keep him company while he walks.  Seems a little Stephen King doesn't it??  Now, I'm still working on the rest.  He could be a serial killer, a psych patient whose brain is sort of mush after lots of electroshock therapy, or just a strange-ling, like I said earlier. I haven't decided yet but I'll let you know when I do.  He could even be a tortured spy who snapped it big time....hmmmm....sure explains the trench coat....

Time to go get the enchiladas going and give my imagination a rest.  No wonder I'm so tired at night!

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