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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Had and Sis

It's about that time of the afternoon, and I am jonesing for a really good chocolate chip cookie.  None of that bag stuff or even a regular bakery one.  Nope.  I gotta have the real deal--the 3 gabillion calorie one from Creme de la Cookie, in Snider Plaza.  Nicole and AB turned me on to it last summer after Brian's crash, and I'm thinking I might like to have my ashes sprinkled out front, in the event of my untimely death, should I OD on their cookies.  There's just nothing like a little mid afternoon jolt of chocolate and sugar, to keep your motor humming.  I could do almost the same thing by fixing an iced coffee and then eating one small, teeny, tiny piece of dark chocolate, but stack that up against a deeeelish cookie and, well, I'm just not feelin' it.  Just pass the damn cookies. 

The news on Sis is, it's her brain.  Quit laughing.  I know that was a no brainer, but it appears her pituitary gland, located in her brain, is somehow stuck at 10,000 RPM's and is sending the signal to her adrenals, to floor it.  I just gave her the first dose of her medicine, and we will do it for a month and then probably re-check her. ( I haven't told her that part since she enjoyed it so much this week (not).    I thought I'd keep that part to myself until we actually have to do it.)  This may be reversible, depending on Sis's brain, and that part right there has me shaking my head, " No...not so much".  I'm just not thinking Sis' pituitary is any more compliant than the rest of her. 

And speaking of cookie eaters....get a load of this one.  Forget the cookies.  I'll just eat her.

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