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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Romeo and Juliet, RPM & MTM

Yesterday afternoon as I was about to leave, I happened to glance over to be sure both puppies were in the den.  Not only were they both in the den, but were lying like two slices of bacon, side by side, in the same bed, with Wiggins rear hanging off the bed, since Sis was hogging.  Nothing new there.  But it was when I stopped briefly to love on both dogs, that the reality of the two of them together hit me.  They are just an old married couple.  When I tried to love on Wig, first, Sis rolled over on her back, for maximum scratching when it was her turn.  Seeing Sis sunny side up, with her legs flopped to either side just made me stop, sit down, and visit.  I scootched her over some to give Wig a tad more room, and he barely moved at all, so delighted was he to be with his lady love.  I haven't caught them together that much lately but it was truly sweet to see, especially since they may not have that many more, as Wig ages.  I should have stopped to take a picture but I knew I'd be late if I did.  Now I really wish I had.  Sis, spread eagle, with ears flopping, is truly a sight to see and the two of them in the same bed, is just the best.

I didn't know it was possible, but I seem to have a cleaning hangover.  My whole self is worn out but it was fun getting there.  The weeds got pulled out front of the big house and a big layer of mulch is what needs to happen next.  When Fred got up there Sunday after choir, I headed home on the highway about 2:15 to feed the puppies, run two loads of laundry, run the dishwasher, and mow the front so a tired Fred wouldn't have to.  Let's just say, I was showered, shampooed and the rest, and in my pj's, by dinner time.  But that's a good kind of tired, to me.  The kind where you can see the results of your hard work.  But sometimes it makes me have weird dreams.  Must be all that cleaning!

It's official-- we now have a professional songwriter/recording artist in the family.  Benji inked his contract with RPM, who has just recently merged with MTM management, in Nashville yesterday, and he could not be more thrilled and excited.  They are also recording & promoting the trio Benji is in, so you heard it here first!  The band is changing it's name since there are already two other established bands somewhere with the name Scarletta, so they are working on a suitable C&W, southern but not hick, name.  The one they've come up with the Producer (RPM) likes--the manager (MTM), doesn't.  Ahhhh, turf battles.  Benji said he doesn't care what the name is so he's going to stand back and let them fight it out.  One or two big hits and suddenly nobody cares what your name is.  Ain't it the truth.

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