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Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh, please...not again

The bull snake I mentioned previously was still on the screened in porch at the Farm when we arrived, since I guess he/she had no way out.  Fred was out in the yard checking out the partially trimmed trees when I headed to unlock the back door.  Oh, not again....this time it was way over by the far side of the swing on the back porch, but not nearly far away enough for me.  I hollered to Fred to come kill it and he was mad thinking it had gone back in it's crawl space because I was yelling.  Well, couldn't get in there since he'd already caulked that up, so it was all crouched in the corner with it's tail hanging out, and the rest of it's body coiled up by the siding.
The next thing I know he's telling me he's going to "grab it by the tail, and for me to open the screen door"....ohhhhhhhhh, I opened the door all right, and then took off running.  Out he came with a writhing snake and tells me he's going to "throw it out in the pasture."  Ohhhh, no you're not.  That snake is way too well acquainted with the back porch and I don't wanna see him again.  Ever.  Admittedly, I get a little violent around snakes so since Fred was near the woodpile, I told him to grab a log and club it to death.  And I waited right there while he did, too.  I wasn't going inside until that snake was buzzard bait--good and d-e-a-d..  And then Fred threw him in the pasture.  Fine by me.  At that point I was about to hurl.

So, to distract myself afterwards, I took pictures of the trees that are trimmed, and some of the cows who are loving eating the acorns off the branches.  I knew pigs loved acorns but I had no clue Black Angus gals did.  Thank heavens all the gates to the yard were closed or they'd have been up in the yard, munching off all the branches that haven't been dragged off yet.  And those gals can tear up a yard, too.  Rain, hooves, and grass that was previously a yard quickly become mud, and lots of it.

I'm sooo glad that snake part is over.  I've just had enuf '.

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