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Friday, March 4, 2011

Nobody likes a mean old lady

A certain someone (Sis) has made it under the covers, again, for the fourth time, and the last time (last night), it wasn't at my invitation.  It was alllll Fred's.  She's gone from a gentle asking with a teeny whine, to a full blown "I need to be up there with you".  And she makes sure she looks her most beautiful when she asks: ears pricked, sweet faced, and 100% girly.  Once up, she wants to "dig" a bed, which is a no-no she is attempting to learn, but once settled, she's, well.....just deeeeeelicious.  Warm, soft, slick and she rolls on her back to be rubbed on.  Paws bent in half, tail straight out, ears flopping, she's irresistible.  And then she the middle of your TV show.  Yep...she's a Harris all right.

I had a bunny sighting Wednesday afternoon and ran across the street with my phone to get a shot of him.  A man came out of a house next door, started talking to me about the "cat" under the car I was trying to photograph, and by the time I had told him it was a rabbit, the bunny had hopped to my neighbors back yard.  The long and short of it is, I got shots of him but they were at a distance so he looks like a dirty white blob.  Yesterday a friend showed me how to work the zoom on my phone so next time, I'll get him up close and personal.  My only problem is my across the street neighbor, where the bunny hangs out.  She is definitley NOT Ms. Congeniality and is a kid hater, smokes like my fire pit, and is just an all round mean old bag.  She once hit my Maria's car, and then tried to "come back later" to leave her insurance information.  Maria came and got me, and let's just say that didn't fly.  Nobody likes her, and despite the fact I've always been nice to her, she's now on my list.

  Anyway, while I was trying to shoot the bunny, she banged on her window, and slammed her front door, to try to shooo me away.  I know she looked out and saw me, otherwise how would she know I was even there?  Lady...seriously....ya think you could have just opened the door and asked me what in the world I was doing?  It's not like you don't know me and armed with my phone, I'm actually pretty harmless.  But now it's's gonna be on like Donkey Kong and I'm going to encourage Sis to.... tinkle in her yard.  And the next time that old lady wants to talk or complain about The Emperor next door when she sees me outside....welllllllll....we'll just see about that. 

But the best news is, a family, with kids, just bought the house next door to her, with a huge pool in the back.   I hope they have a bunch of little boys....they'll make tons of noise.  :)

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