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Monday, June 18, 2012

No Way

It's only a matter of time so we might as well go on ahead and discuss it.  High School Reunions.  Gag.  The mere thought of it makes me seriously nauseous.  I'd rather have a televised colonoscopy,  than ever attend another reunion.  The last one I attended five years ago, was a total fat fest and it wasn't the girls, either--it was the guys.  Sweaty, fat, and practically bald, beer guts dunloping over their pants, the guys just did not hold up well at all. Guys you hadn't seen in years would grab you and hug you, and then drip sweat all over you. was way gross and as such, I don't feel the need to ever repeat that again.  EVER.  I'd rather be dipped in pig snot.

And watching a bunch of fifty somethings dance like a bunch of Rhino's trying to recapture the good old days, is a sight I won't miss.  I think after a certain age, you should only be allowed to dance in your bedroom--like when you were a teenager, practicing your moves.  Otherwise, you serve prison time.  At our age, gaping buttons, muffin top, and sweaty pit rings, just does not make for a pretty sight.  And let's all agree, it doesn't look any better after several margaritas.  WE just THINK it does.

If you wanna go to yours, go on then...but don't say I didn't warn you.  See??


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