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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yes, I believe I shall...

After copious thought, here's my latest idea.  I am going to get up at whatever time necessary to see the Royal Wedding, live from London in April, and I'm going to lay myself a tea tray the night before, so I can have tea, at some point, during the day.  It's all going to be veddy, veddy English, and I may just make scones to have also.  If  I'm getting up at 5am or so, tea's NOT gonna cut it first thing --- I'll be needing some Starbucks--- so maybe I'll have High tea later in the afternoon.  I did this before when William's parents got married, and I was seven months pregnant with Brian, so I'm going to do it again.  Considering how that relationship turned out, though, maybe I ought not to, for their sakes.  But.........I'm gonna.  It was a total blast and a front row seat to history.  And as an "adopted" Anglophile, I just have to see it.

Since Sis is the only other gal pal around here, I may invite her.  We'll see.  If she's an enormous pill and chair hog, I may not.  We'll see if her manners improve over the next few months.  At least I can depend on her not to talk thorough the whole thing, unlike some other people around here.

  As I remember, I waited to shower until Will's parents were officially married and clip clopping along back to Buckingham Palace, so I wouldn't miss anything of significance on TV.  That damn carriage ride lasted so long I could have washed my car, but whatever.  Benefits to watching on TV: As I remember, bathroom breaks were a snap, no crowds to deal with, zero expense--no plane tickets or hotel reservations, and no security craziness.  Downside:  Zero.
Yep.  It's on my calendar.

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