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Sunday, August 12, 2012


Things I am grateful for today:

1)  Olympic coverage on TV and the incredible array of world wide athletes (especially American)
2)  HDTV so I can see even bubbles in the pool after a dive
3)  My dog for all the love, kisses, support, and laughs she unknowingly brings me
4)  LeBron James for his ability to fly through the air without wings
5)  Angels among us who appear at just the right time for coffee or whatever is needed at the time
6)  New clothes and the ability to pay for them
7)  The puddle out front by the curb for bird bathing each morning
8)  Haircuts, showers, and new fluffy towels
9)  Brushing my teeth with a new toothbrush
10)  Paper towels
11)  A clean house
12)  A loving husband who puts up with me and all my crap, which is considerable
13)  My sons, my wonderful daughter-in-law, and her fabulous mother and daddy
14)  God --He made all of the above possible

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