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Monday, March 22, 2010

Basil--gotta have it

Oh, Lord love will not believe all the cr** I pulled out of that garden patch. And I still need to go back up, with a screwdriver, thank you very much, to remove her little criss cross grid thingy that is still there on one part of the plot. What does it do? I have no earthly idea.There's still some parsley and two leeks, and what appears to be something else in the onion family---maybe a few actual onions--not sure yet. But I'm gonna pull them up soon, just you wait and see. And then till in some lava sand, some compost, heck....I may even throw in some cow poop from the farm--ya never know. But I'm gonna microwave it first-- to kill any grass or weed seeds. Hey....this ain't my first rodeo. I've gardened for one whole year here.
I am, however, having issues with that red valve thing in the middle of the plot. That thing just leers at me so I'm gonna plant flowers or basil right around it so it gets covered. Ha. Take that, why dontcha.
I also pulled out lots of stakes of bamboo, wood, and...... wait for it........rebar. I kid you not. I bet I pulled out three big old stakes of it. All I can think of now is what in the world was she growing last old patch was close by and I never noticed anything super weird. Well, now that's not totally true....she was the only one with a mailbox beside her plot. Seriously. A mailbox. Why? I just don't get that. A mailbox, rebar, and a criss cross grid thingy ---that lady needs help.
I've got my fingers crossed that maybe some of her basil from last year might have re-seeded itself. We'll see soon and if not, off to purchase some I go. We eat basil and tomato crostini all summer long and basil mayonnaise makes a regular old sandwich taste like heaven. Just throw some in a food processor with some Hellman's and a squeeze of lemon and get ready for lift off. Slather that on a fresh tomato, cheese, or good cibiatta freshly toasted, and commence making yourself humbly grateful for the little green plant, basil. And if you grow enough, make pesto. Now your talking....

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