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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Humpty Dumpty--Again

The cow is out of the barn once more. It seems mom went to church with two friends this morning and everything was great until they got to the friend's car and mom went over like Humpty Dumpty--AGAIN. We are back to the Avatar look. Again. The good news is she did not need stitches and went on to lunch at El Fenix while the goose egg grew on her forehead. Should she have iced it? Yes. Is it a tad bit late now...definitely.
My sister and I just had the "it's time to move to The Plaza at Edgemere conversation" with her (assisted living) so it's no longer on the down low. I even called my bother with the "all clear"that the deed was done and she'd been OK with it. Not thrilled but OK. Since we've already visited and put down a deposit, now we feel even more sure that this is the right decision. The sooner they can get her in, the better. I need to know she is being taken care of and is safe and I told her that. Her response was "yeah, I know....but it's sooo beautiful here and I LOVE it...can't I just stay here?" And I had to laugh. I told her "mom, I'm my own worst we found this place and knew you'd love it because it is soooo nice... and this is gonna be a hard act to follow.... I have really just screwed myself over". My sister looked like she was about to cry and mom and I were laughing. We all do grief in different ways, at different times.
I told mom she had asked me to take care of her and make these decisions for her when she was no longer capable of doing it, and she got real quiet. I told her all three of us (siblings) were seeing a totally natural progression of her disease--nothing she could do anything about--and that it was time for her to do this. I don't think I will ever forget the look on her face.
She locked eyes with me, with a blank look in her eyes, nodded, and said "OK." That I know I will cry about in the shower later. There was no anger, no real resistance. She just isn't there anymore. And that hurts.
She did want to know how soon, and we told her we weren't sure yet but would give her plenty of notice and to just relax and just have fun. Let us do the heavy lifting. She LOVED that part. I told her when it was time to move her, we'd do it like we did last time. We'd have everything all done, moved in, and hung, and then bring her over to settle in. She was worried about her furniture and was assured we'd take care of everything, and I told her what we'd do and how.
So, the weekend curse continues. But at least we have the Oscars tonight! Woo hoo!!

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