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Sunday, November 21, 2010

More Sis drama

It appears that Sis is a tad more vulnerable than I'd thought.  She's been such a moose I figured she was pretty much bullet proof.  No so, Kemo Sabe.  This morning she came back to wake me up (her dad left the puppy gates open, thank you very much) and she was just not herself.  Now, I can't quite explain what being herself is, so just trust me here.  And then we went outside and she didn't hunt, and had trouble in the "tankling" department.  Several times.  Not a good sign.  And then she got back in her bed and refused a bite of toast, lightly buttered, delivered to her, in bed.  That's never happened.  Ever.
  So, we just returned from the Vet, despite Fred's desire for us "to wait 24 hours", and she has what I suspected--a bladder infection (UTI).  Ohhhhh, ouch.  And they gave her some pain pills, too, because those hurt.  Wait 24 hours my ass.  She is now sitting with me in her chair, looking wistfully out the window, with zero desire to hunt.  And since she just got a quarter of a morphine tablet wrapped in cheese, and her antibiotic, she's gonna be goofy as hell in a few minutes. 

The good news?  Her cortisol level is way down--maybe even down too far so we may need to adjust her medicine for that.  The bad news?   The medicine for her cortisol makes her more prone to UTI's.  Great.  We fixed one problem and created yet another. 

And Wiggins?  Other than having really stinky breath since we can't clean his teeth other than to brush them, is still rockin' it and the best boy ever.  Some guys just have it all.

It's clear Sis and I are getting closer and closer.  As the only two girls around here, we need to.  I just turned around to check on her and she is quiet as a mouse, with her stoned little head resting on the chair's armrest.  Yep....we girls are gonna have to stick together.  I've got your back, Sis.

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