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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Smart blonde cow??

For lack of a better idea, I pulled out this summer's homemade Marinara sauce Monday morning to have for dinner last night.  Remember how I told you it was a lot of trouble to go to, just for Marinara, and that it involved a trip to the Farmer's Market for  a sack of the "unlovlies" of the tomato world?  Well, was worth it.... and even though I'm not sure I'd do it again, my taste buds sure want me to.  I called Brian to see if he'd eaten and he headed right over.  Ladled atop a pile of angle hair pasta, liberally sprinkled with good Parmesan cheese and a twist of fresh cracked pepper, oh, mannnnnn.......pass me the garlic bread.  Not sure I can stand that jarred stuff again.  Ever.

I dropped the bomb on mom Sunday evening that she had a new "hair hut", as she calls it.  I could tell it was hurtful to her but I was as tactful and kind as I could just it what it is.  By the time she gets used to going there on a regular basis, she'll love the convenience of not having to even go outside on a cold or wet morning or at least that's the story I'm telling myself for now.

I tried to get a shot of my favorite cow but since the zoom on our camera is broken, getting an up close and personal shot was not easy.  The closer I'd get, the quicker they'd all snort and move away.  This gal is a smart, blonde, cow and while I realize none of those things go together, well....she just is.....or at least she's the smartest of the bunch.  She's the alpha cow and a real leader....she's not afraid of people in their pj's who walk down with their coffee to open the gate so the cows can all head to another pasture.  The others snort, rear up, blow and act all stupid, but she just watches you really carefully, and then is the first one through the gate.  The others??  Nope.....they're still just standing there being dumb, waiting for another cow to woman up and go through the gate.   Blonde smart cow is way on down into the pasture by now, munching happily, while the brunettes try to "figure it out". I'll try to post a picture of her Majesty later today.

Fred and I moved the rest of the cut limbs and branches away from the little house Sunday morning by piling the branches on top of the low boy and hauling them off with the tractor.  It took several loads and dumps but it looks great now.  While we loaded, I sang the Green Acres theme song and then did the Titanic "King of the World" arms outstretched thing to Fred, as he drove toward me on the tractor.  You haven't lived until you've seen someone do that, back to you, on a moving tractor.  I even rode the tractor with him--- but that was before he did the Titanic move.

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