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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ooops, he did it again

In the event that you missed Matt Lauer's interview of Kanye West, grab a cup of coffee and prepare to roll your eyes.  I missed it as well, but saw it on the internet this morning.  Matt Lauer must be the nicest human being on the Earth to have agreed to interview Kanye.  I'd rather interview a pooping elephant with diarrhea.  I'm not hatin', I'm just sayin' there's nuthin' Kanye has to say, that's worth hearing.  He is a one man IED and detonates on himself, repeatedly.  Matt threw him a life preserver numerous times, and Kanye refused to grab it.  Then Matt practically scripted an apology to President Bush, for Kanye, for calling the then sitting President a racist.  And Kanye acted like a total ass.  It was clear he really had not thought out his position and how he truly feels, or just could not articulate it.  I'm leaning towards the former.

And in a total "what goes around comes around" moment, Kanye was reminded he'd been called racist for interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech, and he really didn't like it, and "couldn't understand how that was racist".  If nothing else, it was a textbook case of self sabotage and ego run riot.  What a missed opportunity to so easily have apologized for speaking emotionally, in the moment, post Katrina.   Who in the world hasn't said something they've later regretted?  Saying it is one thing.  Not mopping up your mess is another. 

  I am not a big Bush fan but I do believe we all would love to call a "do over" occasionally, and it's clear former President Bush would not have just flown over New Orleans, if he could do it all over again.  I firmly believe most people do the very best they can at the time, with the tools they have, and if this is Kanye's best, well, Lord love him, 'cause I can't.

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