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Friday, April 23, 2010

Not much shakin'

I am not ashamed to admit I do not get this. What is the point of preemergent weed killer? It does not seem to impact weeds whatsoever except to GROW them. Wouldn't it make more sense to just fertilize and then mow the little suckers? Or, spray Roundup with a small hand sprayer on the really bad places, which in our case would essentially be the whole front yard. Fred is determined to beat the weeds and I'm just not seeing it. In a few places, we are down to bare earth where he has weeded and then understandably, his back hurts. Well, no kiddin'. Just mow 'um.

Crashman came by last night all in a lather since one of his roommates hadn't paid the gas bill, and there was no hot water at his house. This is not the first time this has happened and he was out of his mind pissed. Couldn't shower yesterday morning unless it was with cold water so by 6:30pm, he was hot, tired, hungry, and furious. Ugggg-leeeee. Once showered, with food in his stomach, he was still on a rant but tolerable. Thankfully, his lease will be up in June and he can vamoose to his own place since the non-stop partying is just not working for him. Now, I'm not saying he's not a partyier--oh, he IS---it's just not working with his continued recovery and new job. He says he's just got to have some downtime and no noise and where people are not in his house 24/7. I can totally relate. His house would be like living in a 7-Eleven. I'm a peace and quiet gal myself and too much sensory stimulation and I hit overload real fast. Sounds like the apple didn't fall far from his momma's tree.

I am off to try to rent Avatar and the Hurt Locker and since Avatar was just released, I may be totally dreaming here but I'm gonna give it a shot. Stay tuned for my critique later. Happy weekend to all and let's all get some r-e-s-t.

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