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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vote for Coop

I am going round and round online, trying to leave a comment on the GMA website for a friend of Benji's who's in the hunt as a finalist as the new GMA Guru.  His name is Cooper Boone--actually Dr. Boone, as he is licensed therapist, song writer C&W singer, fabulous cook, and all round hoot.  And here's the problem:  I can get in to leave the comment but when I have to log in, it throws me back out saying there's already someone by that email name.  No kidding...'cause it's ME, damn it!!  Anywho.....such is my dilemma and another cuppa joe has not improved the situation one iota, so I may just have to pull lout the heavy artillery and go take a shower.  Yep.  It always works.  I get in there and talk to God about whatever is on my mind, we visit, we laugh, sometimes I cry or get mad, and when I get out, whatever it was that was bugging me is either gone or just no longer matters.  Or, HE tells me another way to get where I'm going.  What a relief. 

I checked on Had last night and she was awake, eating ice cream with a fork.  OK...did that make you laugh because it sure did me.  It just goes to show ya that there's always more than one way to do something.  And if you are a little kid, whatever it is, is gonna be funny.

Last night, Wigman was groaning while Brian was over here.  After checking with the Vet, we decided to give him the stoner pain pills we'd gotten a few weeks ago, that made his legs go baby turtle since he just seemed uncomfortable.  Soooooo, since he's figured out the hiding the pill in sliced cheese trick, I decided we'd try peanut butter.  And since Brian was the one who was bugging me about it, I told him to give it to Pigglesworth.  Ohhhh, noooooo.  He couldn't possibly do I had to.  And that's when the party started.....I practically had to mop afterwards.  We were both rolling on the floor watching Wig try to lick the peanut butter, off the roof of his mouth.  He loved the taste you could was just that big old hunk he couldn't quite get his tongue around that was the problem.  And the more he made weird faces, the harder we laughed.  I finally had to help him a little, and then we went to pieces, again.  Who knew an old dog could provide such laughs.

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