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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Whew....that was close

Well....I declare.  I knew I was hatin' on my Tom Thumb and now I really am.  Friday I went to do my weekly "frustration cruise", only to find that once again, The Flagship Tom Thumb on Northwest Highway is the lamest Tom Thumb on the planet.  I was told they had received their last and final shipment of Blue Bell Peppermint ice cream, and that was it--finito.  No condolences, no offer to call another store, zip zero.  So, I went home and called my favorite little Tom Thumb, and scored right off the bat.  They even hid one in the "big freezer", so no one could snag it before I got there.  I would have bought two, but I couldn't find the other one they supposedly had.  Soooooo...I let it ride until today....and then my hands got clammy, I broke out in a sweat, and decided one just might not do it, and lawsie mercy....what if this baby ran out???  Would Christmas be cancelled??  

Since I did NOT want to find out what kind of horrendous consequences might be unleashed upon us if we ran out, I put on my PI badge, called around, and sure enough, a competing grocery store right near where we were going for dinner, had some.   Take that, Tom Thumb.

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