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Friday, July 22, 2011

Ringing phones-nooooooooo

We've been getting a ton of random calls and computer generated ones, too, and I am way over it.  I've done all that no call list stuff, too, so now I'm taking matters into my own hands.  Since you can't answer and actually speak to a person, requesting to be taken off their list, I've developed a "back at ya" system of my own.  Now, when the phone rings and it's one of those calls, I click talk and then off, super fast.  It doesn't keep ringing and it doesn't hit call notes, and leave the message light flashing saying there's a message, 'cause there isn't one.  Yes, I could call block them but they'd just go get another number.  And call block costs me $$--not them.  So, I figure at some point there going to get really tired of me and give up.  Well....that's my hope anyway.  If a real person answered, I'd just get an air horn.  A few blasts in the old ear drum and that stuff would stop PDQ. (pretty damn quick)  I might even enjoy that.
Since I'm having a problem coming up with a neat groomsman's gift, I'm going to throw the door open here for suggestions.  I have a particular item in mind, but am not sure the guys could get them through Security, coming back, if they don't check a bag.  And, no, it's not a pellet gun, though that would be highly appropriate coming from a Harris male.  Ideas?  Suggestions??  Shoot 'um to me. (no pun intended)

I just got to try my phone system again, and I really like it.  I'm lots less irritated now that I have a way to fight back.  It fits right in with my personal phone motto:  Don't get mad--get even.

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