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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Here she goes again....

I must be feeling feisty since I'm ready to tackle the subject of......Medical Marijuana.  As a nurse, I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is.  If it's grown legally and is clean, without God knows what pesticides, laced with drugs, and other toxic chemicals, and brings relief to people in excruciating pain, where exactly is the problem?  And even if it's not homegrown, but is legally grown by people for medicinal purposes, I still don't see a problem.  In fact, since then everyone would "claim" they need it for pain relief, why not just make it legal, period?  Shocking, no??  Why buy it illegally from Mexico, Columbia, etc, laced with every neurotoxin imaginable, when you can get it here, legally and clean?
And think of the drug less thing for them to try to smuggle here since ain't nobody gonna be buyin' theirs.  Why don't we just grow our own and buy American?  You know what I'm saying....keep the money here, in this country.  Let's face it, folks.  Making something illegal doesn't keep anybody from doing anything and I'm talking strictly "comfort" use here--not recreational uses.  And, yes, will those overlap?   Yes, they probably will and so what's really changed here?  Nothing, except the people who need it for pain relief get it legally and it's clean, and those who are using it for other purposes simply benefit as well.  Add to that, we keep the money here in this country and everybody wins.

I'm not here to pass judgment on pot smoking one way or the other.  That's a whole other topic.  But if you are going to do it, and we already know people are, then why not use our brains to our own benefit?  Our economy is swirling the drain as it is, so any little boost makes sense to me. 
And I'm not going to tackle whether pot smoking works as a pain reliever or not.  I flat don't know.  I've never smoked it for that reason.  I've smoked it, sure, but for the other reason and I'm not going to pretend like I haven't. ( I'm not asking for a show of hands on who has, so relax.  :)   I will say this : if it brings relief to people in chronic pain, I say smoke American and make it legal--in all fifty states.  And, that's just how I see it.

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