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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh, Baby!!

The pizza on my Egg grill KILLED and next time I'll do it with a peel--the long handled paddle thing--but I didn't like the ones they had when I went looking so I just did it with metal spatulas.  Tomorrow is operation pizza peel.  Six hundred degrees is a tad warm on the fingers and hands-- and I may just get some of those cool grill gloves, too.  Hey...go big or go home and I need these.
The big pizza funny is, my neighbor hollered over the fence to Bruce, but it was me.  He wanted to know what I was cooking and when I told him it was me and I was cooking pizza on my Egg, he had to see.  So, beer in hand, he tried to climb up and see over both of our fences.  He was doing OK, and then lost it, and I had to howl.  I noticed he sure managed to hang on to his beer, though.  He said one of his friends had a big outside pizza oven and had cooked lunch for people in their office, when he was working in Austin.  He said it was outstanding pizza and kept trying to get invited back.  Yeah, buddy.
So, OK...I was a nice girl even though it was my maiden pizza attempt a la Egg and took some over for him to try.  Even Brian like the loaded one.  Now were all thinking of different pizzas we could make...... and the list is endless.

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