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Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm outing myself....

I know you all have probably noticed.  I've been slacking off in the world of food.  Barely a word.  Even I'm shocked.  But here's why and it's ugly, so get comfortable.  I finally decided to attempt to lose some tonnage--- so I'm doing Meal Balance.  You order it online and it's delivered right to your door--OK...that's not the ugly part.  The BIG UGLY part is that it's a no sugar, nothing white (except cauliflower), only certain veggies and it's a portion controlled, eating plan.  See....I told you it was bad.   But surprisingly, the food is good and you don't have to cook.  You just grab, nuke, and eat.  I don't even do "throw backs" when I want a different vegetable.  I just eat the damn thing.  And I have been shocked at how good the meats have been.  Either that, or I'm hallucinating.  And breakfast rocks-- all protein.  Add coffee, and I'm good.  No thinking, no food obsessing about what to cook, how to cook it, etc.  And no recipe searches, Food Network visits, nada.  I'm having withdrawals to read a cookbook.  That parts almost as bad a no sugar.  My cookbooks are my little friends.  I miss them.
 The good news is,  it's all done for you and the foods NOT full of crud, fillers, MSG, etc.  And once you get out of ICU, from sugar withdrawals, it's not bad at all.  You have two snacks a day so you are really not all that hungry.  Well, at least not after ICU anyway.  And you walk.  Everyday. Yep.  You heard me right. You get sweaty.  But the best part is, you only weigh yourself every 6 weeks.  Ditto on taking your measurements.  Score!  I can do that.   My initial weigh in, behind steel, locked & bolted doors, was 10 days into the plan, and even then there's not a torture conceivable that would get that number out of me. And the measuring?  Oh, I really wanna know that information. When my clothes bag (some day), that'll be good enough for me so no numbers, please.

And don't think I can't hear ya'll laughing, figuring I'm going to need to be sedated on the 4th, to keep from either cooking or eating, something verboten. My flags and my Martha Stewart bunting are up.  Ten bucks says homemade ice cream is just around the corner.

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