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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I got an email last night that our old house is coming down today. Right now, in fact. I thought it might have been pulled down yesterday, so last night, in my pj's, I drove by to check. Nope. There she was looking all old and frumpy. They'd taken off the front door and side windows on either side, and closed her up with three doors, running sideways, parallel to the ground. And if that wasn't weird enough, a couple of window panes were broken out, and the back, wrought iron driveway gate was gone--blocked off again by a door going sideways. Since there's a pool in the back, I guess legally they have to block it off as best they can until that big yellow dozer arrives. The word is, they will have several trucks lined up to drag the old gal off, once she's down. I don't know why this is so exciting to me but it just is. Maybe subconsciously I'm pretending I'm building a house there. There I go getting all headsy.....I'll post again later today when I have pic's to share.

Interestingly, Bruce's grandparents old home is on the market and all of the cousins have decided we need to set up a private viewing of it, before it gets sold. They were hoping to set it up this weekend but too many people were either out of town, or on their death bed after a tonsillectomy, to attend together. Already the stories have started pouring out about that old house--how dark it used to be inside, the can of toy guns that used to sit on the stairs, and how one of Bruce's cousin's used to be able to" fit inside the banister". ( Name with held to protect the skinny.) They are now trying for possibly weekend after this ---I can hardly wait to hear some more of their stories.

As Belclaire comes down, I'm reminded of some of our stories--the time my brother got me to lie down on top of the elevator, ran it up with in two feet of the ceiling, and left me there. (The previous owner was crippled and installed it and we just kept it.) Man, did we get mileage out of that elevator. We played Department store and even rode downstairs with the light off to scare ourselves silly. Then there was the time Bobby Sillers jumped off our two story roof into our pool, which should have killed him, but luckily did not. And then did it again. The weird smell in the Tool Room.... the slippery (when wet) concrete floor in the Wash House....all of the pool toys, Big Wheels, and other gear stashed there for the grand kids. Smoking grapevine in the alley as kids and making "cookout fires"---- scattering when the HP police arrived, after following the trail of smoke. Hilarious memories....and those are just a few of the ones I can tell--in public.

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